
Your One-stop accredited training provider

Tirhani Skills for Africa is the preferred supplier that adds significant value to human development and profitability of enterprises through quality Education, Training and Development and Consulting Services focused to benefit our clients, personnel and shareholders.


Proudly serving the community since 1999.

COVID-19 Precautionary Measures


As a company we are mindful of the risk with COVID-19 / Coronavirus, and the impact that the spread of the virus have. We would like to outline the precautionary measure that we are taking to ensure the wellbeing of our clients, learners and staff.


 In-house training:

If training intervention is at the client’s premises the following precautionary steps will be taken:

• Awareness will be conducted, at the beginning of each training intervention, focussing on viral elimination procedures (no touching or handshaking, social distancing, sneezing and coughing procedures and hand cleaning protocols). 

On a daily basis, before commencement of training, the facilitator will ensure that all facilities (equipment, table tops and chair armrests etc.) are disinfected.

  • • Screening of learners and results documented every morning.

• At every comfort break and at tea and lunch times, the facilitator will remind all learners to wash their hands thoroughly and to sanitise. We will make alcohol based sanitiser available at all times.

Group sizes will be limited in order to ensure that there can be physical distancing of 1.5m between the learners.

  • • The wear of masks will be compulsory at all times.
  •   On-site training:

If training intervention is at our premises the following precautionary steps will be taken:

  • • Awareness will be conducted, at the beginning of each training intervention, focussing on viral elimination procedures (no touching or handshake, social distancing, sneezing and coughing procedures and hand cleaning protocols).
  • • On a daily basis, before commencement of training, all facilities (classroom, equipment, table tops and chair armrests etc.) will be disinfected.
  • • We will ensure that hand washing and toilet areas, door handles and common areas are clean and hygienic at all times.
  • • Every morning, at the reception area, screening of learners (including temperature) will be done and results documented.
  • • At every comfort break and at tea and lunch times, the facilitator will remind all learners to wash their hands thoroughly and to sanitise. We will make alcohol based sanitiser available at all times.
  • • Group sizes will be limited in order to ensure that there can be physical distancing of 1.5m between the learners.
  • • The wear of masks will be compulsory at all times.
  • We are committed to support the wellbeing of our clients, learners and staff whilst maintaining our services in a safe and professional matter. You can also contact us regarding our NEW COVID-19 employee awareness training program.

TIrhani’s Core Services


Tirhani offers the following core areas of training services. Please click on any of the services for more details.

Country Wide

Providing training in all provinces and neighbouring countries


On-site and on-the-job training


Training people originating from rural and previously disadvantaged communities


Recognition of prior learning assessments




• Department of Higher Education

• Department of Labour – Lifting Equipment 

• CSD Registration


Tirhani is a fully compliant BBBEE Level 2 contributor

We can help your company earn maximum points for Skills Development on the B-BBEE scorecard and get the best Return on InvestmentView our proposal to see how:

“The will to serve”

Tirhani offers the following core areas of training services. Please click on any of the services for more details.